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  1. != (不等于)
  2. ! (非)
  3. %= (复合取模)
  4. % (模)
  5. && (与)
  6. &= (复合按位与)
  7. & (按位与)
  8. & reference operator
  9. & 引用运算符
  10. *= (复合乘)
  11. * (乘)
  12. * 取消引用运算符
  13. ++ (increment)
  14. ++ (自加)
  15. += (compound addition)
  16. += (复合加)
  17. + (加)
  18. -- (decrement)
  19. -- (自减)
  20. -= (复合减)
  21. - (减)
  22. /* */ (多行注释)
  23. /= (复合除)
  24. / (除)
  25. 0.模块常见问题分类
  26. 1.Microduino系列跳线说明
  27. 1.模块常见问题分类
  28. 1장. LED 켜기(브레드보드를 이용하기)
  29. 2.Microduino-USBTTL 驱动问题说明
  30. 2장. LED 켜기 응용(여러개 LED 켜기)
  31. 3장. 버튼을 이용하여 LED 제어하기
  32. 4.如果没有microduino core的话还能继续实现操作吗?为什么?
  33. 4장. PWM 제어를 이용하여 LED 밝기 조절하기
  34. 5장. 가변저항을 이용하여 LED 밝기 조절하기
  35. 6장. 프로그램 제어를 이용하여 LED 밝기 조절하기
  36. 7장. RGB LED의 색 제어하기
  37. 8*8 Single-color Lattice Control
  38. 8*8单色点阵控制
  39. 8장. 스위치 눌림 시간 알아보기
  40. ; (分号)
  41. == (等于)
  42. = (复合按位或)
  43. = (赋值)
  44. AM2312温湿度传感器
  45. ARM核心:核心系列(M0、M3、M4)
  46. ASCII码表
  47. AVR Core: Getting Started
  48. AVR Core: Module Specifications
  49. AVR Core: Project Tutorials
  50. AVR核心:Getting started/zh
  51. AVR核心:核心模块(Arduino兼容)
  52. AVR的核心:项目教程
  53. Abs()
  54. AnalogKey()
  55. AnalogRead()
  56. AnalogReference()
  57. AnalogWrite() - PWM
  58. Applause Enthusiasm Detection
  59. ArduBlock Scratch Getting Started
  60. ArduBlock Scratch Getting started
  61. ArduBlock Scratch Getting started/zh
  62. Arduino
  63. Arduino IDE Driver Install
  64. Arduino IDE Driver Installation
  65. Arduino IDE Microduino
  66. Arduino IDE Microduino Configuration
  67. Arduino IDE Microduino硬件支持包
  68. Arduino IDE上传程序的报错信息分析
  69. Arduino IDE的报错信息分析
  70. Arduino 语法手册/zh
  71. Arduino软件常见问题查询
  72. Arduino(IDE)工具介绍
  73. Array
  74. Atmospheric pressure data collection
  75. AttachInterrupt()
  76. AudioPro()
  77. AudioPro.begin()
  78. AudioPro.decodeTime()
  79. AudioPro.detachInterrupt()
  80. AudioPro.end()
  81. AudioPro.getAmplifier()
  82. AudioPro.getMonoMode()
  83. AudioPro.getPlaySpeed()
  84. AudioPro.getVolume()
  85. AudioPro.pausePlaying()
  86. AudioPro.paused()
  87. AudioPro.reset()
  88. AudioPro.setAmplifier()
  89. AudioPro.setMonoMode()
  90. AudioPro.setPlaySpeed()
  91. AudioPro.setVolume()
  92. AudioPro.stopPlaying()
  93. AudioPro.stopped()
  94. AudioPro.useInterrupt()
  95. AudioPro.volumeDown()
  96. AudioPro.volumeUp()
  97. AudioPro FilePlayer()
  98. AudioPro预定义常量
  99. BLE模块与手机APP mRobots通信示例
  100. BOXZ Mini Robot
  101. BOXZ Mini Robot/ko
  102. BOXZ mini/zh
  103. BOXZ mini Robot
  104. BOXZ mini机器人
  105. Bingo游戏机01
  106. Bingo游戏机02
  107. Bingo游戏机03
  108. Bingo游戏机04
  109. Bingo游戏机05
  110. Birthday Lamp
  111. Bit()
  112. BitClear()
  113. BitRead()
  114. BitSet()
  115. BitWrite()
  116. Bluetooth Lamp
  117. Bluetooth Night Light
  118. Boolean
  119. Break
  120. Bt audio
  121. Burn Bootloader to Microduino-Core/Core+ with an Arduino
  122. Buzzer
  123. Buzzer Alarm
  124. Byte
  125. Byte()
  126. Chameleon
  127. Char
  128. Char()
  129. Clock
  130. ColorLED()
  131. ColorLED.Color()
  132. ColorLED.ColorLED()
  133. ColorLED.begin()
  134. ColorLED.clear()
  135. ColorLED.getBrightness()
  136. ColorLED.getPin()
  137. ColorLED.getPixelColor()
  138. ColorLED.numPixels()
  139. ColorLED.setAllLED()
  140. ColorLED.setBrightness()
  141. ColorLED.setOneLED()
  142. ColorLED.setPin()
  143. ColorLED.setPixelColor()
  144. ColorLED.show()
  145. ColorLED.updateLength()
  146. ColorLED预定义颜色
  147. Color Sensor
  148. Colored LED
  149. Colorful LED Light
  150. Compass
  151. Configure Arduino IDE for Microduino
  152. Connection Method for New Version
  153. Connection Method for Old Version
  154. Constrain()
  155. Continue
  156. Control DC motor
  157. Control Led Brightness
  158. Control stepper motor
  159. CoreESP32:Micropython Getting started/zh
  160. Core MSP Startup Guide
  161. Core STM32 Startup Guide
  162. Cos()
  163. Crazy Mouse
  164. Cube小车/zh
  165. Cube机器人 /zh
  166. DC Motor Control
  167. DIY小台灯
  168. Dashboard
  169. Data
  170. Data Time Reference
  171. Decode results
  172. Define
  173. Delay()
  174. DelayMicroseconds()
  175. Dereference operator
  176. DetachInterrupt()
  177. DigitalKey()
  178. DigitalRead()
  179. DigitalWrite()
  180. Digital Tube Control
  181. Do... while
  182. Dot-Matrix Reference
  183. Double
  184. Dust()
  185. Dust.available()
  186. Dust.getPM25()
  187. ESP8266
  188. Electronic Greeter
  189. Electronic Welcome
  190. Esptool烧录
  191. Exercise Recorder
  192. Float
  193. Float()
  194. For
  195. Fortune Cat
  196. GCC Toolchain for CoreSTM32
  197. GPS()
  198. GPS.available()
  199. GPS.begin()
  200. GPS.data
  201. GPS.lastNMEA()
  202. GPS.newNMEAreceived()
  203. GPS.parse()
  204. GPS.read()
  205. GPS.set cnssmode()
  206. GPS.set updata()
  207. GPS Reference
  208. GestureSenso.readBlueLight()
  209. GestureSenso.readGesture()
  210. GestureSenso.readProximity()
  211. GestureSensor
  212. GestureSensor.begin()
  213. GestureSensor.enableGestureSensor()
  214. GestureSensor.enableLightSensor()
  215. GestureSensor.isGestureAvailable()
  216. GestureSensor.readAmbientLight()
  217. GestureSensor.readGreenLight()
  218. GestureSensor.readRedLight()
  219. GestureSensor.setGestureGain()
  220. Getting started: Mac
  221. Getting started: Mac/zh
  222. Getting started: Windows
  223. Getting started: Windows/zh
  224. Goto
  225. Gyroscope
  226. HIGH
  227. HIGH LOW
  228. Hello/ja
  229. HighByte()
  230. How to Connect Two Microduino-BT Modules
  231. How to Use Microduino to Transmit Morse Code
  232. HttpGet
  233. IBC
  235. IRrecv()
  236. IRrecv.decode()
  237. IRrecv.enableIRIn()
  238. IRrecv.resume()
  239. IRsend()
  240. IRsend.sendMedia()
  241. IRsend.sendNEC()
  242. IRsend.sendRC5()
  243. IRsend.sendRC6()
  244. IRsend.sendRaw()
  245. IRsend.sendSony()
  246. IR数据发送示例
  247. IdeaBoard
  248. IdeaBoard.begin()
  249. IdeaBoard.getButtonA
  250. IdeaBoard.getButtonB
  251. IdeaBoard.getButtonDown
  252. IdeaBoard.getButtonLeft
  253. IdeaBoard.getButtonRight
  254. IdeaBoard.getButtonUp
  255. IdeaBoard.getIN
  256. IdeaBoard.getJoystickX
  257. IdeaBoard.getJoystickY
  258. IdeaBoard.getLight
  259. IdeaBoard.getMic
  260. IdeaBoard.getRAW
  261. IdeaBoard.noTone
  262. IdeaBoard.setColorLED
  263. IdeaBoard.setLED
  264. IdeaBoard.setOUT
  265. IdeaBoard.setSensitive
  266. IdeaBoard.tone
  267. IdeaBoard Reference
  268. IdeaBox
  269. If
  270. If...else
  271. Include
  272. Infrared Pyroelectric Sensor of Human Body
  273. Infrared receiver
  274. Infrared transmission
  275. Install Arduino IDE Microduino Hardware Support Package
  276. Install Arduino IDE Microduino Program Library Support Package
  277. Install Arduino IDE Microduino library support package
  278. Int
  279. Int()
  280. Intelligent Lifting Lever
  281. Intercommunication between Two Microduino-BT Modules
  282. Interrupts()
  283. Joypad-Game-Higher and Higher
  284. Joypad-Game-Snake
  285. Joypad-Game-Tetris
  286. Joypad-Game-上一百层
  287. Joypad-Game-俄罗斯方块
  288. Joypad-Game-贪吃蛇
  289. Joypad-Standard-上一百层
  290. Joystick Control servo rotation
  291. Joystick Controls DC Motor
  292. Joystick Controls Kitty
  293. Joystick Controls Servo
  294. Joystick Lantern
  295. Joystick Sensor Application
  296. Joystick传感器使用
  297. Joystick彩灯
  298. Joystick控制小猫
  299. Joystick控制直流电机
  300. Joystick控制舵机
  301. Joystick控制舵机旋转
  302. Joystick摇杆
  303. Key.begin()
  304. Key.readEvent()
  305. Key.readVal()
  306. LED灯闪烁实验
  307. LM75温度检测
  308. LPC824 Core:项目移植笔记
  309. LPC开发笔记-Cube小车
  310. LPC开发笔记-点阵屏幕
  311. Lazy Donkey
  312. Led Figure Running Water Light
  313. Led花样流水
  314. Lesson 1--LED flashes experiment
  315. Lesson 1--LED flashes experiments (using bread board)/ko 1장. LED 켜기(브레드보드를 이용하기)
  316. Lesson 1--Microduino "LED and a Breadboard"
  317. Lesson 1--Microduino Resistor Meter
  318. Lesson 1--Microduino resistance Meter
  319. Lesson 10--Microduino Ultrasonic Ranging
  320. Lesson 10--Microduino Ultrasonic Sensor Measures Distance
  321. Lesson 10--The first pegboard experiments (using electric iron)
  322. Lesson 11--Microduino "The lamp of Da Vinci(light-sensitive experiments)"
  323. Lesson 11--Microduino Infrared Controls Servo Angle
  324. Lesson 12--Microduino "Light indicator"
  325. Lesson 12--Microduino 74HC595 Cascade and Serial input Parallel ouput Data
  326. Lesson 13--Microduino "Light alarm (DIY a phototransistor by yourself)"
  327. Lesson 13--Microduino Single Digital Display with A Point
  328. Lesson 14--Microduino "A simple thermometer"
  329. Lesson 14--Microduino Digital Tube Experiment 1 - Digital Dice
  330. Lesson 15--Microduino "Make a circuit of temperatire-sensitive cup"
  331. Lesson 15--Microduino "Make a circuit of temperature-sensitive cup"
  332. Lesson 15--Microduino "Make a circuit of temperature-sensitive cup "
  333. Lesson 15--Microduino "Make sense of warm cup circuit"
  334. Lesson 15--Microduino Digital Tube Experiment 2 - Control Potentiometer
  335. Lesson 16--Microduino "Fingertip switch (transistor trigger)"
  336. Lesson 16--Microduino Digital Tube Experiment 3 - Display Infrared Remote Control Button Value
  337. Lesson 17--Microduino "Buzzer alarm"
  338. Lesson 17--Microduino Button Control Digital Tube
  339. Lesson 18--Microduino "Make a flood water level alarm model"
  340. Lesson 18--Microduino 4-way Responder
  341. Lesson 19--Microduino "Sampling ADC of internal reference source"
  342. Lesson 19--Microduino Two Digital Tube Static Display
  343. Lesson 2--Microduino "Multiple LEDs"
  344. Lesson 2--Microduino OLED Usage
  345. Lesson 20--Microduino "Use Interrupt"
  346. Lesson 20--Microduino Two Digital Tube Countdown Display
  347. Lesson 21--Microduino "Use Timer Interrupt"
  348. Lesson 21--Microduino Four Digital Tube Static Display
  349. Lesson 22--Microduino "Serial port debugging"
  350. Lesson 22--Microduino Four Digital Tube Dynamic Display
  351. Lesson 23--Microduino "Serial port receives string and translated into an array"
  352. Lesson 23--Microduino Digital Tube Clock
  353. Lesson 24--Microduino & Operational Amplifier--Noninverting Scaling Operation
  354. Lesson 24--Microduino & Operational Amplifier-- Noninverting Scaling Operation
  355. Lesson 24--Microduino Digital Tube Thermometer
  356. Lesson 25--Microduino & Operational Amplifier-- Inverting Scaling Operation
  357. Lesson 25--Microduino 5*7 Lattice Static Display
  358. Lesson 26--Microduino & Operational Amplifier--Differential Ratio Operation
  359. Lesson 26--Microduino 5*7 Lattice Dynamic Display
  360. Lesson 27--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Static Display
  361. Lesson 28--Microduino & Raindrop Sensor
  362. Lesson 28--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Transverse Move Display
  363. Lesson 29--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Longitudinal Move Display
  364. Lesson 29--Two Generative Styles of Microduino PWM & Waveform Measurement
  365. Lesson 3--Microduino "Button Controlled LED"
  366. Lesson 3--Microduino Digital voltmeter
  367. Lesson 30--Microduino-made DC V-A Meter
  368. Lesson 30--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Animated Emoticon
  369. Lesson 31--Microduino & Buck Circuit
  370. Lesson 31--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Static Display
  371. Lesson 32--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Transverse Move Display
  372. Lesson 33--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Longitudinal Move Display
  373. Lesson 34--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Animated Emoticon
  374. Lesson 35--Microduino EEPROM Reading and Writing Experiment
  375. Lesson 36--Microduino Infrared Remote Control Changes EEPROM values
  376. Lesson 37--Microduino Control Relay
  377. Lesson 37--Microduino Controls Relay
  378. Lesson 38--Microduino Stepper Motor Drive
  379. Lesson 39--Microduino Stepper Motor Control steps
  380. Lesson 4--Microduino "LED Brightness and PWM"
  381. Lesson 4--Microduino Phone Dialer
  382. Lesson 40--Microduino DC Motor Drive (Potentiometer PWM control speed)
  383. Lesson 41--Microduino Dc Motor Rotation Control
  384. Lesson 42--Microduino Motor Speed Measurement
  385. Lesson 43--Microduino Rotary encoder
  386. Lesson 44--Microduino Matrix keyboard
  387. Lesson 45--Microduino Electric Guitar
  388. Lesson 46--Microduino Piano Touch
  389. Lesson 47--Microduino Audio Spectrum & Video Output
  390. Lesson 5--Microduino Simulates Computer Keyboard
  391. Lesson 5--Microduino “LED Brightness and Potentiometer PWM”
  392. Lesson 54--Microduino MD5
  393. Lesson 55--Microduino Sun Track
  394. Lesson 56--Microduino EEPROM Data Flow Serial Input
  395. Lesson 57--Programming Method Easy to Understand, Maintain and Revise
  396. Lesson 6--Microduino "Breathing Light"
  397. Lesson 6--Microduino Simple Frequency Meter (serial monitor)
  398. Lesson 7--Microduino Drive servo (no library)
  399. Lesson 7--Microduino “RGB LED”
  400. Lesson 8--Microduino "Pulse Recorder"
  401. Lesson 8--Microduino Infrared Transmitting and Receiving
  402. Lesson 9--Microduino "DIY Multimeter"
  403. Lesson 9--Microduino Infrared Transcoding
  404. Lesson 9--Microduino used as 0-5V range voltmeter (simulate a multimeter)
  405. Light Indicator
  406. Light Led
  407. Light Sensor
  408. Light intensity data collection
  409. Lighten Led
  410. LinerCCD
  411. LinerCCD.adConAlgorithm()
  412. LinerCCD.caculateMaxMinPix()
  413. LinerCCD.reqestPixls()
  414. LinerCCD.setCCDPixs()
  415. LinerCCD.setExposed()
  416. Local Weather Station
  417. Long
  418. Long()
  419. Loop()
  420. LowByte()
  421. MAi.begin()
  422. MAi.cmdBT()
  423. MAi.getBTstatus()
  424. MAi.getFreeRam()
  425. MAi.getMode
  426. MAi.getPlayFile()
  427. MAi.getRecordTime()
  428. MAi.getRssi()
  429. MAi.getVersion()
  430. MAi.getVolume()
  431. MAi.isOn())
  432. MAi.mqttConnect()
  433. MAi.mqttGetStatus()
  434. MAi.mqttPublish()
  435. MAi.mqttQuery()
  436. MAi.mqttSetServer()
  437. MAi.mqttSetSubscrib()
  438. MAi.nameBT()
  439. MAi.playCmd()
  440. MAi.playFile()
  441. MAi.reset()
  442. MAi.setMode
  443. MAi.setVolume()
  444. MAi.setWifi()
  445. MAi.startRecord()
  446. MAi.startRest()
  447. MAi.stopRecord()
  448. MAi.testQuery()
  449. MAi.volumeUp()&mAi.volumeDown()
  450. MAi.waitResult()
  451. MBattery+
  452. MCenter+
  453. MCookie
  454. MCookie-Amplifier
  455. MCookie-Amplifier/zh
  456. MCookie-Audio
  457. MCookie-Audio/zh
  458. MCookie-AudioPro Reference
  459. MCookie-BLE
  460. MCookie-BLEUpload/zh
  461. MCookie-BM
  462. MCookie-BM/zh
  463. MCookie-BM Shield
  464. MCookie-BM shield
  465. MCookie-BM shield/zh
  466. MCookie-BT
  467. MCookie-BTUpload/zh
  468. MCookie-Base
  469. MCookie-Battery
  470. MCookie-Core
  471. MCookie-Core+
  472. MCookie-CoreRF
  473. MCookie-CoreUSB
  474. MCookie-CoreUSB Getting started
  475. MCookie-CoreUSB Getting started/zh
  476. MCookie-Duo-V2
  477. MCookie-Duo-V2/zh
  478. MCookie-Duo-v2
  479. MCookie-GPRS/zh
  480. MCookie-GPS
  481. MCookie-Hub
  482. MCookie-Hub/zh
  483. MCookie-LED Matrix
  484. MCookie-LEGOShield/zh
  485. MCookie-Module AudioPro
  486. MCookie-Module NBIOT/zh
  487. MCookie-Motion
  488. MCookie-Motion/zh
  489. MCookie-Motion Reference
  490. MCookie-Motor
  491. MCookie-Motor/zh
  492. MCookie-MotorPlus/zh
  493. MCookie-MotorPlus Reference
  494. MCookie-Motor Reference
  495. MCookie-NFC/zh
  496. MCookie-OLED
  497. MCookie-OLED/zh
  498. MCookie-OLED Reference
  499. MCookie-RTC
  500. MCookie-RTC/zh

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