To detect environment via a temperature & humidity sensor and light-sensitve senor, then display the data on OLED. Users can build a weather station and give yourself a real experiment of the "nature" around you.;
sensor_tem = am2321.temperature / 10.0;
sensor_hum = am2321.humidity / 10.0;
sensor_light = map(analogRead(A0), 0, 1023, 0, 255);
if (sensor_tem > 30)
s_data = 1;
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
s_data = 0;
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
Sensors can acquire temperature, humidity and light intensity data from the environment and display them on OLED. By changing the environment around you, you'll find corresponding change on the screen. For this project, you can get a beautiful shell with LEGO boards which can be easily stacked with mCookie.