“마이크로두이노 학습하기”的版本间的差异

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마이크로두이노 센서 학습하기
第1行: 第1行:
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==마이크로두이노 기본 학습하기==
==마이크로두이노 기본 학습하기==
第10行: 第13行:
  '''[[7장. RGB LED의 색 제어하기]]'''
  '''[[7장. RGB LED의 색 제어하기]]'''
  '''[[8장. 스위치 눌림 시간 알아보기]]'''
  '''[[8장. 스위치 눌림 시간 알아보기]]'''
  '''[[9장.  전압을 측정하기Microduino used as a multimeter with the range of 0 to 5 volts]]'''
  '''[[Lesson 9--Microduino used as a multimeter with the range of 0 to 5 volts|9장.  전압을 측정하기Microduino used as a multimeter with the range of 0 to 5 volts]]'''
  '''[[10장. The first pegboard experiments (using electric iron)]]'''
  '''[[Lesson 10--The first pegboard experiments (using electric iron)|10장. The first pegboard experiments (using electric iron)]]'''
  '''[[11장. 다빈치 램프(라이트 센서 이용하기)]]'''
  '''[[Lesson 11--Microduino "The lamp of Da Vinci(light-sensitive experiments)"|11장. 다빈치 램프(라이트 센서 이용하기)]]'''
  '''[[12장. 라이트 표시기]]'''
  '''[[Lesson 12--Microduino "Light indicator"|12장. 라이트 표시기]]'''
  '''[[13장. 라이트 알람(스스로 만들어 사용하는 포토트랜지스터)]]'''
  '''[[Lesson 13--Microduino "Light alarm (DIY a phototransistor by yourself)"|13장. 라이트 알람(스스로 만들어 사용하는 포토트랜지스터)]]'''
  '''[[14장. 온도계]]'''
  '''[[Lesson 14--Microduino "A simple thermometer"|14장. 온도계]]'''
  '''[[15장. 온도 감지컵 만들기]]'''
  '''[[Lesson 15--Microduino "Make a circuit of temperature-sensitive cup "|15장. 온도 감지컵 만들기]]'''
  '''[[16장. 핑커 스위치(트랜지스터 이용하기)"]]'''
  '''[[Lesson 16--Microduino "Fingertip switch (transistor trigger)"|16장. 핑커 스위치(트랜지스터 이용하기)"]]'''
  '''[[17장. 알람]]'''
  '''[[Lesson 17--Microduino "Buzzer alarm"|17장. 알람]]'''
  '''[[18장. 수위 경고 알람]]'''
  '''[[Lesson 18--Microduino "Make a flood water level alarm model"|18장. 수위 경고 알람]]'''
  '''[[19장. 내부 레퍼런스 소스의 간단 ADC]]'''
  '''[[Lesson 19--Microduino "Sampling ADC of internal reference source"|19장. 내부 레퍼런스 소스의 간단 ADC]]'''
  '''[[20장. 인터럽트 사용하기]]'''
  '''[[Lesson 20--Microduino "Use Interrupt"|20장. 인터럽트 사용하기]]'''
  '''[[21장. 타이머 인터럽트 사용하기]]'''
  '''[[Lesson 21--Microduino "Use Timer Interrupt"|21장. 타이머 인터럽트 사용하기]]'''
  '''[[22장. 시리얼 포트 디버깅]]'''
  '''[[Lesson 22--Microduino "Serial port debugging"|22장. 시리얼 포트 디버깅]]'''
  '''[[23장. 시리얼 포트로 문자열 입력받아 배열에 넣기]]'''
  '''[[Lesson 23--Microduino "Serial port receives string and translated into an array"|23장. 시리얼 포트로 문자열 입력받아 배열에 넣기]]'''
'''[[Lesson 24--Microduino & Operational Amplifier--Noninverting Scaling Operation|24장. OP 앰프 - 비반전 증폭기]]'''
'''[[Lesson 25--Microduino & Operational Amplifier-- Inverting Scaling Operation|25장. OP 앰프 - 반전 증폭기]]'''
'''[[Lesson 26--Microduino & Operational Amplifier--Differential Ratio Operation|26장. 차동증폭기]]'''
'''[[Lesson 27--Microduino & Flexible Application of Triode|27장. Flexible Application of Triode ]]'''
'''[[Lesson 28--Microduino & Raindrop Sensor|28장. 강우센서]]'''
'''[[Lesson 29--Two Generative Styles of Microduino PWM & Waveform Measurement|29장. PWM과 파형측정]]'''
'''[[Lesson 30--Microduino-made DC V-A Meter|30장. DC V-A 메터]]'''
'''[[Lesson 31--Microduino & Buck Circuit|31장. 벅컨버터(스탭다운 컨버터)]]'''
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第35行: 第45行:
  '''[[2장--OLED 모듈 사용하기Microduino OLED Usage]]'''
  '''[[2장--OLED 모듈 사용하기Microduino OLED Usage]]'''
  '''[[3장--디지털 전압계Microduino Digital voltmeter]]'''
  '''[[3장--디지털 전압계Microduino Digital voltmeter]]'''
* '''[[4장--DTMF 톤 발생기]]'''
'''[[4장--DTMF 톤 발생기]]'''
* '''[[5장--키보드]]'''
* '''[[6장--주파수 측정기(시리얼모니터)]]'''
'''[[6장--주파수 측정기(시리얼모니터)]]'''
* '''[[7장--서보 동작하기Microduino Drive servo (no library)]]'''
'''[[7장--서보 동작하기Microduino Drive servo (no library)]]'''
* '''[[8장--적외선 송수신하기Microduino Infrared Transmitting and Receiving]]'''
'''[[8장--적외선 송수신하기Microduino Infrared Transmitting and Receiving]]'''
* '''[[9장--적외선 변환하기Microduino Infrared Transcoding]]'''
'''[[9장--적외선 변환하기Microduino Infrared Transcoding]]'''
* '''[[10장--초음파 거리측정Microduino Ultrasonic Ranging]]'''
'''[[10장--초음파 거리측정Microduino Ultrasonic Ranging]]'''
* '''[[11장--적외선을 이용한 서보 각도 제어하기Microduino Infrared Controls Servo Angle]]'''
'''[[11장--적외선을 이용한 서보 각도 제어하기Microduino Infrared Controls Servo Angle]]'''
* '''[[12장--74HC595 연결하기와 시리얼입력 병렬 데이터 출력 and Serial input Parallel ouput Data]]'''
'''[[12장--74HC595 연결하기와 시리얼입력 병렬 데이터 출력 and Serial input Parallel ouput Data]]'''
* '''[[13장--7-세그먼트 켜기]]'''
'''[[13장--7-세그먼트 켜기]]'''
* '''[[14장--Microduino Digital Tube Experiment 1 - Digital Dice]]'''
'''[[14장--Microduino Digital Tube Experiment 1 - Digital Dice]]'''
* '''[[15장--Microduino Digital Tube Experiment 2 - Control Potentiometer]]'''
'''[[15장--Microduino Digital Tube Experiment 2 - Control Potentiometer]]'''
* '''[[16장--Microduino Digital Tube Experiment 3 - Display Infrared Remote Control Button Value]]'''
'''[[16장--Microduino Digital Tube Experiment 3 - Display Infrared Remote Control Button Value]]'''
* '''[[17장--Microduino Button Control Digital Tube]]'''
'''[[17장--Microduino Button Control Digital Tube]]'''
* '''[[18장--Microduino 4-way Responder]]'''
'''[[18장--Microduino 4-way Responder]]'''
* '''[[19장--Microduino Two Digital Tube Static Display]]'''
'''[[19장--Microduino Two Digital Tube Static Display]]'''
* '''[[20장--Microduino Two Digital Tube Countdown Display]]'''
'''[[20장--Microduino Two Digital Tube Countdown Display]]'''
* '''[[21장--Microduino Four Digital Tube Static Display]]'''
'''[[21장--Microduino Four Digital Tube Static Display]]'''
* '''[[22장--Microduino Four Digital Tube Dynamic Display]]'''
'''[[22장--Microduino Four Digital Tube Dynamic Display]]'''
* '''[[23장--Microduino Digital Tube Clock]]'''
'''[[23장--Microduino Digital Tube Clock]]'''
* '''[[24장--Microduino Digital Tube Thermometer]]'''
'''[[24장--Microduino Digital Tube Thermometer]]'''
* '''[[25장--Microduino 5*7 Lattice Static Display]]'''
'''[[25장--Microduino 5*7 Lattice Static Display]]'''
* '''[[26장--Microduino 5*7 Lattice Dynamic Display]]'''
'''[[26장--Microduino 5*7 Lattice Dynamic Display]]'''
* '''[[27장--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Static Display]]'''
'''[[27장--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Static Display]]'''
* '''[[28장--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Transverse Move Display]]'''
'''[[28장--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Transverse Move Display]]'''
* '''[[29장--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Longitudinal Move Display]]'''
'''[[29장--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Longitudinal Move Display]]'''
* '''[[30장--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Animated Emoticon]]'''
'''[[30장--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Animated Emoticon]]'''
* '''[[31장--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Static Display]]'''
'''[[31장--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Static Display]]'''
* '''[[32장--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Transverse Move Display]]'''
'''[[32장--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Transverse Move Display]]'''
* '''[[33장--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Longitudinal Move Display]]'''
'''[[33장--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Longitudinal Move Display]]'''
* '''[[34장--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Animated Emoticon]]'''
'''[[34장--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Animated Emoticon]]'''
* '''[[35장--Microduino EEPROM Reading and Writing Experiment]]'''
'''[[35장--Microduino EEPROM Reading and Writing Experiment]]'''
* '''[[36장--Microduino Infrared Remote Control Changes EEPROM values]]'''
'''[[36장--Microduino Infrared Remote Control Changes EEPROM values]]'''
* '''[[37장--Microduino Control Relay]]'''
'''[[37장--Microduino Control Relay]]'''
* '''[[38장--Microduino Stepper Motor Drive]]'''
'''[[38장--Microduino Stepper Motor Drive]]'''
* '''[[39장--Microduino Stepper Motor Control steps]]'''
'''[[39장--Microduino Stepper Motor Control steps]]'''
* '''[[40장--Microduino DC Motor Drive (Potentiometer PWM control speed)]]'''
'''[[40장--Microduino DC Motor Drive (Potentiometer PWM control speed)]]'''
* '''[[41장--Microduino Dc Motor Rotation Control]]'''
'''[[41장--Microduino Dc Motor Rotation Control]]'''
* '''[[42장--Microduino Motor Speed Measurement]]'''
'''[[42장--Microduino Motor Speed Measurement]]'''
* '''[[43장--Microduino Rotary encoder]]'''
'''[[43장--Microduino Rotary encoder]]'''
* '''[[44장--Microduino Matrix keyboard]]'''
'''[[44장--Microduino Matrix keyboard]]'''
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第85行: 第92行:
==마이크로두이노 센서 학습하기==
==마이크로두이노 센서 학습하기==
* '''[[Microduino Digital tube thermometer(LM35, DS18b20)]]'''
'''[[Microduino Digital tube thermometer(LM35, DS18b20)|LM35, DS18b20를 이용한 7 세그먼트 온도계]]'''
* '''[[Microduino OLED thermometer(LM35, DS18b20)]]'''
'''[[Microduino OLED thermometer(LM35, DS18b20)|LM35, DS18b20를 이용한 OLED 온도계]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Digital tube temperature and humidity meter(DHT11, SHT10, AM2321)]]'''
'''[[Microduino Digital tube temperature and humidity meter(DHT11, SHT10, AM2321)|DHT11, SHT10, AM2321를 이용한 7 세그먼트 온도계]]'''
* '''[[Microduino OLED temperature and humidity meter(DHT11, SHT10, AM2321)]]'''
'''[[Microduino OLED temperature and humidity meter(DHT11, SHT10, AM2321)|DHT11, SHT10, AM2321를 이용한 OLED 온도계]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Light indicator-Digital tube(TSL2561)]]'''
'''[[Microduino Light indicator-Digital tube(TSL2561)|TSL2561를 이용한 라이트 센서]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Light indicator-OLED(TSL2561)]]'''
'''[[Microduino Light indicator-OLED(TSL2561)|TSL2561를 이용한 OLED 라이트 센서]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Wireless node temperature acquisition-OLED(LM35, DS18b20, DHT11, SHT10, AM2321)]]'''
'''[[Microduino Wireless node temperature acquisition-OLED(LM35, DS18b20, DHT11, SHT10, AM2321)|LM35, DS18b20, DHT11, SHT10, AM2321를 이용한 무선 온도수집장치]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Update temperature and humidity to Yeelink(LM35, DS18b20, DHT11, SHT10, AM2321)]]'''
'''[[Microduino Update temperature and humidity to Yeelink(LM35, DS18b20, DHT11, SHT10, AM2321)|LM35, DS18b20, DHT11, SHT10, AM2321를 이용한 무선 온도수집장치-2]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Update light intensity to Yeeklink(TSL2561)]]'''
'''[[Microduino Update light intensity to Yeeklink(TSL2561)]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Update light intensity to Yeeklink and post tweet(LM35, DS18b20, DHT11, SHT10, AM2321)]]'''
'''[[Microduino Update light intensity to Yeeklink and post tweet(LM35, DS18b20, DHT11, SHT10, AM2321)]]'''
* '''[[Microduino MPU6050 calculate angle(Microduino 10dof)]]'''
'''[[Microduino MPU6050 calculate angle(Microduino 10dof)]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Read the pressure(Microduino 10dof)]]'''
'''[[Microduino Read the pressure(Microduino 10dof)]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Read magnetic field intensity(Microduino 10dof)/zh]]'''
'''[[Microduino Read magnetic field intensity(Microduino 10dof)/zh]]'''
* '''[[microduio  Single dimension PID adjustment]]'''
'''[[Microduino Single dimension PID adjustment]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Ultrasonic ranging-OLED display distance]]'''
'''[[Microduino Ultrasonic ranging-OLED display distance]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Ultrasonic anti-theft]]'''
'''[[Microduino Ultrasonic anti-theft]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Heart rate sensor usage]]'''
'''[[Microduino Heart rate sensor usage]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Hall sensor usage]]'''
'''[[Microduino Hall sensor usage]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Hall sensor to measure DC motor RPM]]'''
'''[[Microduino Hall sensor to measure DC motor RPM]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Rain sensor usage]]'''
'''[[Microduino Rain sensor usage]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Dry reed pipe usage]]'''
'''[[Microduino Dry reed pipe usage]]'''
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第112行: 第119行:
==마이크로두이노 응용 학습하기==
==마이크로두이노 응용 학습하기==
* '''[[Microduino Electronic welcome device]]'''
'''[[Microduino Electronic welcome device]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Snake game]]'''
'''[[Microduino Snake game]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Pulse measuring instrument]]'''
'''[[Microduino Pulse measuring instrument]]'''
* '''[[Microduino nRF24 set up network and NFC unlock computer]]'''
'''[[Microduino nRF24 set up network and NFC unlock computer]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Rotary encoder chooses the mobile number and sends message]]'''
'''[[Microduino Rotary encoder chooses the mobile number and sends message]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Number Selecting and Text Messaging through the Key]]'''
'''[[Microduino Number Selecting and Text Messaging through the Key]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Rotary encoder controls computer]]'''
'''[[Microduino Rotary encoder controls computer]]'''
* '''[[Microduino RGB LED Matrix displayer]]'''
'''[[Microduino RGB LED Matrix displayer]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Video output]]'''
'''[[Microduino Video output]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Lattice clock]]'''
'''[[Microduino Lattice clock]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Mobile Bluetooth Controls RGB Lights]]'''
'''[[Microduino Mobile Bluetooth Controls RGB Lights]]'''
* '''[[Microduino LED shake stick]]'''
'''[[Microduino LED shake stick]]'''
* '''[[Microduino NFC combination lock]]'''
'''[[Microduino NFC combination lock]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Keyboard matrixcombination lock]]'''
'''[[Microduino Keyboard matrixcombination lock]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Time-lapse photography and high-speed photography]]'''
'''[[Microduino Time-lapse photography and high-speed photography]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Smart garden]]'''
'''[[Microduino Smart garden]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Network game console]]'''
'''[[Microduino Network game console]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Wireless mouse]]'''
'''[[Microduino Wireless mouse]]'''
* '''[[Microduino calculator]]'''
'''[[Microduino calculator]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Simulate the elevator]]'''
'''[[Microduino Simulate the elevator]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Simulate traffic light]]'''
'''[[Microduino Simulate traffic light]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Smart Dock for laptop]]'''
'''[[Microduino Smart Dock for laptop]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Wireless answer device]]'''
'''[[Microduino Wireless answer device]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Ward call system]]'''
'''[[Microduino Ward call system]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Bank queuing station system]]'''
'''[[Microduino Bank queuing station system]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Taximeter]]'''
'''[[Microduino Taximeter]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Electronic clock]]'''
'''[[Microduino Electronic clock]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Flowmete]]'''
'''[[Microduino Flowmete]]'''
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第145行: 第152行:
==마이크로두이노 네트워크 학습하기==
==마이크로두이노 네트워크 학습하기==
* '''[[Microduino ENC Network (1)]]'''
'''[[Microduino ENC Network (1)]]'''
* '''[[Microduino ENC Network (2)]]'''
'''[[Microduino ENC Network (2)]]'''
* '''[[Microduino ENC Network (3)]]'''
'''[[Microduino ENC Network (3)]]'''
* '''[[Microduino ENC Network (4)]]'''
'''[[Microduino ENC Network (4)]]'''
* '''[[Microduino ENC Network (5)]]'''
'''[[Microduino ENC Network (5)]]'''
* '''[[Microduino ENC Network (6)]]'''
'''[[Microduino ENC Network (6)]]'''
* '''[[Microduino ENC Network (7)]]'''
'''[[Microduino ENC Network (7)]]'''
* '''[[Microduino ENC Network (8)]]'''
'''[[Microduino ENC Network (8)]]'''
* '''[[Microduino ENC Network (9)——Send a bigger image]]'''
'''[[Microduino ENC Network (9)——Send a bigger image]]'''
* '''[[Microduino ENC Network (10)——How to Change the Listening Port of the Web Server]]'''
'''[[Microduino ENC Network (10)——How to Change the Listening Port of the Web Server]]'''
* '''[[Microduino ENC Network (11)——Connect the Microduino to the Wi-fi network using TL-WR702N]]'''
'''[[Microduino ENC Network (11)——Connect the Microduino to the Wi-fi network using TL-WR702N]]'''
* '''[[Microduino ENC Network (12)——Use NTP to get Internet time]]'''
'''[[Microduino ENC Network (12)——Use NTP to get Internet time]]'''
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第163行: 第170行:
==마이크로두이노 KIT 예제 학습하기==
==마이크로두이노 KIT 예제 학습하기==
* '''[[Microduino NRF communication-201KIT]]'''
'''[[Microduino NRF communication-201KIT]]'''
* '''[[Microduino BLE_IOS-202KIT]]'''
'''[[Microduino BLE_IOS-202KIT]]'''
* '''[[Microduino BLE_Android-202KIT]]'''
'''[[Microduino BLE_Android-202KIT]]'''
* '''[[Microduino CC3000 get weather information by internet -203KIT]]'''
'''[[Microduino CC3000 get weather information by internet -203KIT]]'''
* '''[[Microduino LM4863 Music player -301KIT]]'''
'''[[Microduino LM4863 Music player -301KIT]]'''
* '''[[Microduino Enc Wired network experiment -302KIT]]'''
'''[[Microduino Enc Wired network experiment -302KIT]]'''
* '''[[Microduino NRF Wireless Gateway based on Enc Gateway -304 KIT]]'''
'''[[Microduino NRF Wireless Gateway based on Enc Gateway -304 KIT]]'''
* '''[[Microduino GPS recorder-306KIT]]'''
'''[[Microduino GPS recorder-306KIT]]'''
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第176行: 第183行:
==마이크로두이노 프로세싱 학습하기==
==마이크로두이노 프로세싱 학습하기==
===1장. 기본 학습하기===
===1장. 기본 학습하기===
* '''[[Setup Processing IDE]]'''
'''[[Setup Processing IDE]]'''
* '''[[Lighten Led]]'''
'''[[Lighten Led]]'''
* '''[[Control Led Brightness]]'''
'''[[Control Led Brightness]]'''
* '''[[Various Display of Led Lights]]'''
'''[[Various Display of Led Lights]]'''
* '''[[RGB light]]'''
'''[[RGB light]]'''
* '''[[Somatosensory interaction - Potentiometer]]'''
'''[[Somatosensory interaction - Potentiometer]]'''
* '''[[Somatosensory interaction - Rotary encoder]]'''
'''[[Somatosensory interaction - Rotary encoder]]'''
* '''[[Somatosensory interaction - Microduino V1]]'''
'''[[Somatosensory interaction - Microduino V1]]'''
* '''[[Somatosensory interaction - An arrow through a heart]]'''
'''[[Somatosensory interaction - An arrow through a heart]]'''
* '''[[Somatosensory interaction - ultrasound]]'''
'''[[Somatosensory interaction - ultrasound]]'''
* '''[[Temperature and humidity data collection]]'''
'''[[Temperature and humidity data collection]]'''
* '''[[Light intensity data collection]]'''
'''[[Light intensity data collection]]'''
* '''[[Soil moisture data collection]]'''
'''[[Soil moisture data collection]]'''
* '''[[Atmospheric pressure data collection]]'''
'''[[Atmospheric pressure data collection]]'''
* '''[[Gyroscope]]'''
* '''[[Multimeter Simulation]]'''
'''[[Multimeter Simulation]]'''
* '''[[Resistance meter]]'''
'''[[Resistance meter]]'''
===2장. 중급 학습하기===
===2장. 중급 학습하기===
* '''[[Compass]]'''
* '''[[DC Motor Control]]'''
'''[[DC Motor Control]]'''
* '''[[Stepper Motor Control]]'''
'''[[Stepper Motor Control]]'''
*'''[[Servo Control]]'''
'''[[Servo Control]]'''
* '''[[Digital Tube Control]]'''
'''[[Digital Tube Control]]'''
* '''[[Clock]]'''
* '''[[8*8 Single-color Lattice Control]]'''
'''[[8*8 Single-color Lattice Control]]'''
* '''[[8*8 Double-color Lattice Control]]'''
'''[[8*8 Double-color Lattice Control]]'''
* '''[[8*8 RGB Lattice Control]]'''
'''[[8*8 RGB Lattice Control]]'''
* '''[[Music Player]]'''
'''[[Music Player]]'''
* '''[[Dashboard]]'''
* '''[[To Obtain Network Time]]'''
'''[[To Obtain Network Time]]'''
===3장. 고급 학습하기===
===3장. 고급 학습하기===
* '''[[心率监测]]'''
* '''[[温室大棚环境测控]]'''
* '''[[智能家居控制]]'''
* '''[[定位小车]]'''
* '''[[虚拟示波器的设计与实现]]'''
* '''[[PID水箱液位上位机源程序]]'''
* '''[[电能质量分析系统设计]]'''

2016年1月6日 (三) 02:20的最新版本

마이크로두이노 기본 학습하기

1장. LED 켜기(브레드보드를 이용하기)
2장. LED 켜기 응용(여러개 LED 켜기)
3장. 버튼을 이용하여 LED 제어하기
4장. PWM 제어를 이용하여 LED 밝기 조절하기
5장. 가변저항을 이용하여 LED 밝기 조절하기
6장. 프로그램 제어를 이용하여 LED 밝기 조절하기
7장. RGB LED의 색 제어하기
8장. 스위치 눌림 시간 알아보기
9장.  전압을 측정하기Microduino used as a multimeter with the range of 0 to 5 volts
10장. The first pegboard experiments (using electric iron)
11장. 다빈치 램프(라이트 센서 이용하기)
12장. 라이트 표시기
13장. 라이트 알람(스스로 만들어 사용하는 포토트랜지스터)
14장. 온도계
15장. 온도 감지컵 만들기
16장. 핑커 스위치(트랜지스터 이용하기)"
17장. 알람
18장. 수위 경고 알람
19장. 내부 레퍼런스 소스의 간단 ADC
20장. 인터럽트 사용하기
21장. 타이머 인터럽트 사용하기
22장. 시리얼 포트 디버깅
23장. 시리얼 포트로 문자열 입력받아 배열에 넣기
24장. OP 앰프 - 비반전 증폭기
25장. OP 앰프 - 반전 증폭기
26장. 차동증폭기
27장. Flexible Application of Triode 
28장. 강우센서
29장. PWM과 파형측정
30장. DC V-A 메터
31장. 벅컨버터(스탭다운 컨버터)

마이크로두이노 응용 학습하기

1장--저항측정기Microduino Resistor Meter			
2장--OLED 모듈 사용하기Microduino OLED Usage
3장--디지털 전압계Microduino Digital voltmeter
4장--DTMF 톤 발생기
6장--주파수 측정기(시리얼모니터)
7장--서보 동작하기Microduino Drive servo (no library)
8장--적외선 송수신하기Microduino Infrared Transmitting and Receiving
9장--적외선 변환하기Microduino Infrared Transcoding
10장--초음파 거리측정Microduino Ultrasonic Ranging
11장--적외선을 이용한 서보 각도 제어하기Microduino Infrared Controls Servo Angle
12장--74HC595 연결하기와 시리얼입력 병렬 데이터 출력 and Serial input Parallel ouput Data
13장--7-세그먼트 켜기
14장--Microduino Digital Tube Experiment 1 - Digital Dice
15장--Microduino Digital Tube Experiment 2 - Control Potentiometer
16장--Microduino Digital Tube Experiment 3 - Display Infrared Remote Control Button Value
17장--Microduino Button Control Digital Tube			
18장--Microduino 4-way Responder			
19장--Microduino Two Digital Tube Static Display			
20장--Microduino Two Digital Tube Countdown Display			
21장--Microduino Four Digital Tube Static Display			
22장--Microduino Four Digital Tube Dynamic Display			
23장--Microduino Digital Tube Clock
24장--Microduino Digital Tube Thermometer			
25장--Microduino 5*7 Lattice Static Display			
26장--Microduino 5*7 Lattice Dynamic Display	
27장--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Static Display			
28장--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Transverse Move Display			
29장--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Longitudinal Move Display			
30장--Microduino 8*8 Lattice Animated Emoticon
31장--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Static Display			
32장--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Transverse Move Display			
33장--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Longitudinal Move Display			
34장--Microduino 16*16 Lattice Character Animated Emoticon
35장--Microduino EEPROM Reading and Writing Experiment		
36장--Microduino Infrared Remote Control Changes EEPROM values
37장--Microduino Control Relay
38장--Microduino Stepper Motor Drive			
39장--Microduino Stepper Motor Control steps			
40장--Microduino DC Motor Drive (Potentiometer PWM control speed)			
41장--Microduino Dc Motor Rotation Control		
42장--Microduino Motor Speed Measurement		
43장--Microduino Rotary encoder
44장--Microduino Matrix keyboard

마이크로두이노 센서 학습하기

LM35, DS18b20를 이용한 7 세그먼트 온도계			
LM35, DS18b20를 이용한 OLED 온도계
DHT11, SHT10, AM2321를 이용한 7 세그먼트 온도계
DHT11, SHT10, AM2321를 이용한 OLED 온도계
TSL2561를 이용한 라이트 센서
TSL2561를 이용한 OLED 라이트 센서
LM35, DS18b20, DHT11, SHT10, AM2321를 이용한 무선 온도수집장치
LM35, DS18b20, DHT11, SHT10, AM2321를 이용한 무선 온도수집장치-2
Microduino Update light intensity to Yeeklink(TSL2561)
Microduino Update light intensity to Yeeklink and post tweet(LM35, DS18b20, DHT11, SHT10, AM2321)
Microduino MPU6050 calculate angle(Microduino 10dof)
Microduino Read the pressure(Microduino 10dof)
Microduino Read magnetic field intensity(Microduino 10dof)/zh
Microduino Single dimension PID adjustment
Microduino Ultrasonic ranging-OLED display distance
Microduino Ultrasonic anti-theft
Microduino Heart rate sensor usage
Microduino Hall sensor usage
Microduino Hall sensor to measure DC motor RPM
Microduino Rain sensor usage
Microduino Dry reed pipe usage

마이크로두이노 응용 학습하기

Microduino Electronic welcome device
Microduino Snake game
Microduino Pulse measuring instrument
Microduino nRF24 set up network and NFC unlock computer
Microduino Rotary encoder chooses the mobile number and sends message
Microduino Number Selecting and Text Messaging through the Key
Microduino Rotary encoder controls computer
Microduino RGB LED Matrix displayer
Microduino Video output
Microduino Lattice clock
Microduino Mobile Bluetooth Controls RGB Lights
Microduino LED shake stick
Microduino NFC combination lock
Microduino Keyboard matrixcombination lock
Microduino Time-lapse photography and high-speed photography
Microduino Smart garden
Microduino Network game console
Microduino Wireless mouse
Microduino calculator
Microduino Simulate the elevator
Microduino Simulate traffic light
Microduino Smart Dock for laptop
Microduino Wireless answer device
Microduino Ward call system
Microduino Bank queuing station system
Microduino Taximeter
Microduino Electronic clock
Microduino Flowmete

마이크로두이노 네트워크 학습하기

Microduino ENC Network (1)
Microduino ENC Network (2)
Microduino ENC Network (3)
Microduino ENC Network (4)
Microduino ENC Network (5)
Microduino ENC Network (6)
Microduino ENC Network (7)
Microduino ENC Network (8)
Microduino ENC Network (9)——Send a bigger image
Microduino ENC Network (10)——How to Change the Listening Port of the Web Server
Microduino ENC Network (11)——Connect the Microduino to the Wi-fi network using TL-WR702N
Microduino ENC Network (12)——Use NTP to get Internet time

마이크로두이노 KIT 예제 학습하기

Microduino NRF communication-201KIT
Microduino BLE_IOS-202KIT
Microduino BLE_Android-202KIT
Microduino CC3000 get weather information by internet -203KIT
Microduino LM4863 Music player -301KIT
Microduino Enc Wired network experiment -302KIT
Microduino NRF Wireless Gateway based on Enc Gateway -304 KIT
Microduino GPS recorder-306KIT

마이크로두이노 프로세싱 학습하기

1장. 기본 학습하기

Setup Processing IDE
Lighten Led
Control Led Brightness
Various Display of Led Lights
RGB light
Somatosensory interaction - Potentiometer
Somatosensory interaction - Rotary encoder
Somatosensory interaction - Microduino V1
Somatosensory interaction - An arrow through a heart
Somatosensory interaction - ultrasound
Temperature and humidity data collection
Light intensity data collection
Soil moisture data collection
Atmospheric pressure data collection
Multimeter Simulation
Resistance meter

2장. 중급 학습하기

DC Motor Control
Stepper Motor Control

Servo Control

Digital Tube Control
8*8 Single-color Lattice Control
8*8 Double-color Lattice Control
8*8 RGB Lattice Control
Music Player
To Obtain Network Time

3장. 고급 학습하기
