Microduino Ward Calling System

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The course will show you how to use Microduino to simulate a ward calling system.


Module Number Function
Microduino-Core 2 Core board
Microduino-Core+ 1 Core board
Microduino-OLED 1 For display
Microduino-Cube-S1 1 Extension board
Microduino-USBTTL 2 Program download
Microduino-nRF24 3 Wireless network
Microduino-Amplifier 1
Microduino-SD 1 Audio storage

  • Other Equipment
10KΩ resistor Two
Breadboard jumper wire One box
micro usb cable One
Button Two
Breadboard One
Loudspeaker One



There are two senders—sender 1 and sender 2 in the picture—for patients to send signals.

Modules to be stacked:

  • Microduino-Core
  • Microduino-USBTTL
  • Microduino-nRF24

One receiver for nurses to check for patient help.

  • Microduino-Core+
  • Microduino-USBTTL
  • Microduino-nRF24
  • Microduino-Cube-S1
  • Microduino-OLED




Step 1: Build the circuit according to schematic, as follows:


Step 2: Download code and compile.


Step 3: Supply power to any of the three stacked Microduino modules and the whole stacked system will be powered.

Meantime, press button marked with sender 2 in the schematic and the readings will be displayed on receiver OLED:


If readings showed on OLED were defined in the code, it means the calling of No. 25 patient is successful.

Then press the button of sender 1, the calling of No. 24 patient is successful.

The 16 hexadecimal of the picture showed on OLED is produced through PCtolCD. The detailed method can refer to: Lesson 2--Microduino OLED Usage

Step 4: By adding voice prompt function, medical workers can get voice notice when someone calls.

Stack Microduino-Amplifier and Microduino-SD on the basis of the three modules, as follows:


Re-download MicroduinoHospitalCallReciverSound.ino program to Core+. Save audio files you want to play into SD card of Microduino-SD. As for how to make audio files, please refer to: Microduino LM4863 Music player -301KIT

Step 5: since the three devices (Sender1, Sender 2 and Receiver) are far to each other, so we can consider to power on them with Microduino-BM.


Here we make a simple wireless ward calling system.

