Microduino CC3000 get weather information by internet -203KIT

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Project:Microduino CC3000 get the weather information

Objective:Use Microduino CC3000 module to get the specific position's weather information from internet. This experiment need Microduino core+ module. Microduino-core module only can be used for some simple example program, you can try it by yourself.


Time-consuming:2 hours

Maker:Microduino Studio-YLB

Bill of Materials

  • Microduino module:(MICRODUINO 202KIT)
Module Number Function
Microduino-Core 1 Core module
Microduino-FT232R 1 Download program
Microduino-CC3000 1 WiFi module
Microduino-OLED 1 Display information
  • Other equipment

mic USB data cable, OLED Cable connections, bread board and cable connections

  • Software package

Arduino IDE(1.0 release or upper), Microduino test program (Arduino part), download the "TI WIFI SMARTCINFIG" from App Store.



Setp 1:Set up hardware

  • Install all module, use the Microduino extension board as the base which looks very beautiful overall.
  • If no extension board, use the jumper to connect the Microduino OLED.

Step 2:download program Start Arduino IED, open the Microduino test program, board type choose "Microduino Core +(Atmega644P@16M,5V)", download directly.

Step 3: Open the "SMARTCINFIG" application Connect the IOS to router, turn on "TI WIFI SMARTCINFIG", input the "Password".


Step 4:Connect IOS device to Microduino Observe the Microduino OLED, when text “Waiting for a SmartConfig connection (~60s) ...” appears,press the "Start", then wait for OLED display the result.



After connection success, following information will be display in Microduino OLED上.

  • City
  • Wind speed and direction
  • Temperature, humidity
  • Visibility
  • Access time


  • Use Microduino Core+ module。
  • Connection process may timeout, not available, need to restart the connection again.