Language | English |
目的本教程将教大家如何用Processing来控制一个RGB LED灯,通过一个颜色选择器来控制灯的颜色。 设备
//显示调色板函数 void drawShadeWheel() { for (int j = 0; j < steps; j++) { color[] cols = { color(255-(255/steps)*j, 255-(255/steps)*j, 0), color(255-(255/steps)*j, (255/1.5)-((255/1.5)/steps)*j, 0), color(255-(255/steps)*j, (255/2)-((255/2)/steps)*j, 0), color(255-(255/steps)*j, (255/2.5)-((255/2.5)/steps)*j, 0), color(255-(255/steps)*j, 0, 0), color(255-(255/steps)*j, 0, (255/2)-((255/2)/steps)*j), color(255-(255/steps)*j, 0, 255-(255/steps)*j), color((255/2)-((255/2)/steps)*j, 0, 255-(255/steps)*j), color(0, 0, 255-(255/steps)*j), color(0, 255-(255/steps)*j, (255/2.5)-((255/2.5)/steps)*j), color(0, 255-(255/steps)*j, 0), color((255/2)-((255/2)/steps)*j, 255-(255/steps)*j, 0) }; for (int i = 0; i < segs; i++) { fill(cols[i]); arc(width/2, height/2, radius, radius, interval*i+rotAdjust, interval*(i+1)+rotAdjust); } radius -= segWidth; } }
boolean mouseOverRect() { // Test if mouse is over square return ((mouseX >= 10) && (mouseX <= 190) && (mouseY >= 10) && (mouseY <=190)); } //得到颜色RGB值后,模拟写入pin9,10,11 void draw() { // nothing happens here if (mouseOverRect() == true) { color targetColor = get(mouseX, mouseY); // get the component values: int r = int(red(targetColor)); int g = int(green(targetColor)); int b = int(blue(targetColor)); // analogWirte to pin arduino.analogWrite(9, r); arduino.analogWrite(10, g); arduino.analogWrite(11, b); } } 步骤三:下载代码并编译通过。
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