Language | English |
目的本教程将教大家如何用Microduino-10DOF模块测到的磁场强度数据在Processing中显示一个指南针。 设备
原理图直接使用Microduino-10DOF上的HMC5883L磁场强度传感器 程序调试步骤一:按着原理图搭建硬件环境,像这样: 下载这个HMC5883L的库函数:https://github.com/manifestinteractive/arduino/tree/master/Libraries/HMC5883L 步骤二:解释一下代码: 本例需要两端的代码,Processing端和Microduino端 Microduino: 在setup()中主要是初始化HMC5883L 在loop()中计算出周围磁感应的角度 //Output()用来输出计算出的角度到串口 // Output the data down the serial port. void Output(int RoundDegreeInt) { //Serial.println(); Serial.println(RoundDegreeInt); delay(150); } Processing: //得到第一个串口的数据. myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600); //在draw()函数中,第一步得到串口传来的数据 while (myPort.available() > 0) { myString = myPort.readStringUntil(lf); if (myString != null) { //print(myString); // Prints String angle=float(myString); // Converts and prints float println(angle); } } translate(160, 50); //绘制指南针的背景 // draw the compass background ellipseMode(CENTER); fill(50); stroke(10); strokeWeight(2); ellipse(150,150,300,300);
// draw the lines and dots translate(150,150); // translate the lines and dots to the middle of the compass float CompassX = -angle; rotate(radians(CompassX)); noStroke(); fill(51, 255, 51); int radius = 120; for( int degC = 5; degC < 360; degC += 10) //Compass dots { float angleC = radians(degC); float xC = 0 + (cos(angleC)* radius); float yC = 0 + (sin(angleC)* radius); ellipse(xC,yC, 3, 3); } for( int degL = 10; degL < 370; degL += 10) //Compass lines { float angleL = radians(degL); float x = 0 + (cos(angleL)* 145); float y = 0 + (sin(angleL)* 145); if( degL==90 || degL==180 || degL==270 || degL==360) { stroke(51, 255, 51); strokeWeight(4); } else { stroke(234,144,7); strokeWeight(2); } line(0,0, x,y); } fill(102, 102, 102); noStroke(); ellipseMode(CENTER); ellipse(0,0, 228,228); //draw a filled circle to hide the lines in the middle
//绘制指南针的方向表示,东西南北 b = loadFont("Arial-BoldMT-48.vlw"); textAlign(CENTER); // Draw the letters fill(250); textFont(b, 32); text("N", 1, -90); rotate(radians(90)); text("E", 0, -90); rotate(radians(90)); text("S", 0, -90); rotate(radians(90)); text("W", 0, -90); rotate(radians(90)); textFont(b,40); textAlign(CENTER); //text((angle), 20, 20); println(angle);
//draw the needle rotate(radians(-CompassX)); //make it stationary stroke(234,144,7); strokeWeight(3); triangle(-10, 0, 10, 0, 0, -85); fill(234,144,7); triangle(-10, 0, 10, 0, 0, 60); 步骤三:下载代码并编译通过。 步骤四:运行后,用一块磁铁改变一下磁场,看看指针是否变化。 结果屏幕上会显示一个简单的指南针,指针会随着磁场走,像这样: 视频 |