Lesson 9--Microduino "DIY Multimeter"

来自Microduino Wikipedia
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Language English


We have introduced the reading (0-1024) of the analog port before. Now, we will use the analog port of microduino to make a multimeter with the range of 0-5 V.

Notice: The circuit design of the experiment has no relatively complicated protection circuit. So please don't use more than two AA batteries and don't use the circuit to measure the lithium battery or other power supply!!



Experimental schematic


The purpose of using 1K resistor is that in the case of measuring end vacant, the GND reference guide to measure port, and avoid vacant interfaces interference.


float temp;   // Define a float variable temp to save data.
void setup()
  Serial.begin(115200);     //Set baud rate 9600
void loop()
  int V1 = analogRead(A0);                    
// Read the voltage date form A0 and stores in V1, the voltage range is 0-5v and return value is 0-1024. 
  float vol = V1*(5.0 / 1023.0);               
//Convert the V1 to actual voltage value and stores in vol
  if (vol == temp)                             
//Use to filter duplicate data, Only the voltage value and the last isn't same then output the value.
    temp = vol;                               //Compared, then store in temp variable "temp"
    Serial.print(vol);                       //Serial output voltage, nowrap  
    Serial.println(" V");                    //Serial output character "V", and wrap
    temp = vol;
    delay(1000);                           //Wait for 1s, use to refresh the data

We don't use the function map() to the conversion, you can try it by yourself.


When the measured voltage changed, refresh the date every 1s. If there is a gap between two voltage value, this is normal. Because this is a low accuracy test. If you need a high accuracy test, please refer to: http://www.hacktronics.com/Tutorials/arduino-current-sensor.html


