Microduino ENC Network (8)

来自Microduino Wikipedia
Pkj讨论 | 贡献2014年5月7日 (三) 13:11的版本 (Created page with "{{Language | Microduino ENC网络(八)}} {| style="width: 800px;" |- | ==Objective== This tutorial will show you how to control two leds with a more stylish webpage thanks...")
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This tutorial will show you how to control two leds with a more stylish webpage thanks to some images


  • Other equipment
    • USB cable


First, you need to understand what happens when, in a webpage, there are references to external resources (images, javascript…:

  • user’s browser contacts the web server and asks for HTML page;
  • browser parses the page and finds external resources;
  • browser asks for each resource to the web server.

When the web server answers, it tells the browser (in response header) the type of the file it’s sending using the MIME standard. Here’s an example (sniffed using Fiddler) about a PNG image:


Microduino’s sketch should be able to:

  • read browser‘s request (saved in Ethernet::buffer);
  • identify the resource the browser is requesting (HTML page, images…);
  • create an header with the correct Content-Type;
  • send header and resource to the browser.

Binary Resources

Images are binary files: in our simple example we should be able to store them in our sketch, in the form of byte arrays. I found a very useful utility that helps with this conversion: bin2h.

Conversion’s result is a text file:


To save microcontroller’s RAM memory, we store the images in the program memory using the directive PROGMEM:



  • Microduino-ENC28J60
  • Microduino-RJ45
  • Microduino-Core
  • Microduino-FT232R

Stack all modules and then connect the ethernet cable, as follows:




Step 1:Download the EtherCard library and copy to your libraries fold of IDE, then restart IDE. https://github.com/jcw/ethercard

Step 2:Explain the program:

//My sketch parses browser’s request and – if it’s asking for one of the two images – calls the method to send it back to the browser:

       if(strstr((char *)Ethernet::buffer + pos, "GET /led_off.png") != 0)
         send_png_image(led_off, sizeof(led_off));
       else if(strstr((char *)Ethernet::buffer + pos, "GET /led_on.png") != 0)
         send_png_image(led_on, sizeof(led_on));

//This method prepares the response with the correct header and calls emit_raw_p() method to add image’s bytes to the response; finally it sends the full response back to the browser using httpServerReply method.

 BufferFiller bfill = ether.tcpOffset();
 bfill.emit_p(PSTR("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
   "Content-Type: image/png\r\n\r\n"));
 bfill.emit_raw_p(png_image, image_size);

//If, instead, browser’s request contains ?LEDx, led’s status is changed and the html page is created with the correct images depending on leds’ statuses:

   if(strstr((char *)Ethernet::buffer + pos, "GET /?LED1") != 0) {
     led1Status = !led1Status;
     digitalWrite(LED1PIN, led1Status);

Step 3: Connect the bulb, as follws:


Step 4:Copile the code and download it.

Step 5:Use the browser to access the Microduino's IP, then click button, observe the bulb's state.


Access the Microduino's IP address, click the button, browser will request the page and add the ?LEDx suffix: Microduino will change the LED state and the button's color.

